Roll and Tie the End
The growing season has been sweet, well drenched and flower-filled. As I took my last grazing cage monitoring reading earlier this week,...
The Further Reach of Wayside
At our most remote pasture, in a gully no one else will see, my youngest son and I spent a full Saturday afternoon clearing noxious weed...
Landscapes of Mercy Book 2 Releases
~Saving Bicycle Man~ Cami is living a don't-rock-the-boat existence in the valley of Golden, Colorado, hemmed in by brooding mountains....
Wildflower Called Gratitude
Appreciation that has deep roots is a wildflower birthed in one's heart called gratitude. Amid all the Kansas sunflowers, asters and...
Hay Bales of Expectations
Returning to a profusion of wildflowers in an adjoining pasture, I hoped to take pictures of the button gayfeather that dominated the...
When Barns Take the Spotlight
Once considered outbuildings of utilitarian purpose, barns now are seen in a more aesthetic light. My sister returned recently from a...
Beyond the Running Creek
Our Wilkerson pasture is divided by the most scenic running creek that hugs an outcropping of blocky limestone to the south. Over the...
Growing in the Corners
Last night's ample rain came like a blessing for those of us trying to keep a garden plot or front lawn watered. What I attempt to...
When Life Gives You Blue
For a nature friend whose wife is battling cancer and cannot make the trek to the prairie to view the wildflowers, this scouting report...