Workplace Drama Takes Wing
In Book 2 of "America's Fabulous Fifties," an errant airplane crashes into Hangar C, prompting quality control manager Weston Durand to...
Cowboy Consternation in Colorado
Meet the Danner clan of Rockin' D ranch on the high plains of Colorado's front range. All six of these siblings will marry within two...
Life on the Oil Fields
My new series of full-length books goes back to "America's Fabulous Fifties" to ride the upswing of industry as men and women labor...
A Retro Look at Modernization
Stepping back in time for this visit to the 1904 St. Louis Exposition. When Flora's old water tower collapses, advancement toward...
Small Town Sweet Romance Sampler
Your reading prelude to Valentine's Day can have a Midwest flavor this year! In the small town of Sweetwater, Kansas, the merchants of...
2018 Starts in a Box
As if skipping a beat, I'm starting the year with a boxed set, not a book release. Here's sixteen months of promise finally coming to...
Vacation Captured in Print
In this final installment for the 50 States collection, I brought the reader along on a romantic travelogue that traces the path of our...
October's Golden Remembrances
This month's book release taps into fond memories of my hardwood court days playing basketball in high school and college. When I add my...
Red Cloud Retreat
Event coordinator Season Aldridge may owe outfitter Rance Foreman a favor after he protects her from a collapsing wildlife blind, but...
Returning to Campus
I admit, it's not every day that a marine biologist in Kansas has the opportunity to revisit the campus that endowed her degree, but my...