Workplace Drama Takes Wing
In Book 2 of "America's Fabulous Fifties," an errant airplane crashes into Hangar C, prompting quality control manager Weston Durand to save an unsuspecting upholstery installer, Myla Templeton. The drama unfolds from there, as Weston aids Duncan Reed (Book 1) to maintain safety and quality with the new jet engines on the prototype turbojet, a real prima donna demanding heightened attention on the shop floor. When a saboteur strikes at their weak spot, all clues point to Myla. Can a man who tests for surface cracks and defects learn to look deeper for signs of what could last? Welcome to Wichita, Kansas in 1953, the false start of the jet age, where everything must receive full evaluation for lasting merit. Now available on Amazon. #fgmnauthor #sweetromances #christrom #christfic