Jerkwater Town a Necessary Stop
On a nostalgic train ride back to the early 1900's in sunny Florida, little Favoretta is a requisite water stop for trains that travel Henry Flagler's rail line down to touristy Palm Beach. When resident Mattie Jo Pike spies two train jumpers tussle under a cabbage palm, she races from the water tower to help the man left behind. Mo Rudyard isn't who he claims to be, but his identity must stay hidden while he catches the thief with his gold token. Trouble waits at a hobo camp down the line, and Mattie Jo can't seem to keep Mr. Rudyard around, despite her best intentions. When the local sheriff mulls over who to trust, Mattie Jo is forced to take matters into her own hands--because she's had enough one-way romance down a two-way track. Don't miss this collision of native Florida crackers and wealthy northern tourists which births the original kitschy souvenir shop--and a little well-placed affection. Now available on by Forget Me Not Romances.